Augments: Difference between revisions

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Line 12: Line 12:
|[ Crypt of Dalnir]
|[ Akheva Ruins]
|[ Polished Green Softstone]
|[ Corrupted Sunstone Amulet]
|HP 30, Mana 30
|[ Burning Wood]
|[ Spotted Lava Rock]
|Mana 30, End 30, FR 10
|[ Cazic Thule]
|[ Fossilized Tae Ew Eye]
|HP 10, Mana 10, End 10
|[ Crypt of Dalnir]
|[ Polished Green Softstone]
|AC 5, Mana 5, End 5
|AC 5, Mana 5, End 5
Line 32: Line 47:
|[ Dragon Necropolis]
|[ Dragon Necropolis]
|[ Dingy Grey Stone]
|[ Dingy Grey Stone]
|Mana 50, End 50, CHA 10
|Mana 50, End 50, CHA 10
Line 42: Line 57:
|[ Great Divide]
|[ Firiona Vie]
|[ Frozen Kodiak Claw]
|[ Pilgrim's Protector]
|AC 2, HP 5
|[ Frontier Mountains]
|[ Petrified Goblin Eye]
|HP 15
|[ Great Divide]
|[ Frozen Kodiak Claw]
|AC 2, HP 5, Mana 5, End 5
|AC 2, HP 5, Mana 5, End 5
|[ Great Divide]
|[ Shard of Power]
Line 52: Line 82:
|[ Iceclad Ocean]
|[ Iceclad Ocean]
|[ Brittle Yellow Stone]
|[ Brittle Yellow Stone]
|Mana 15, End 15
|Mana 15, End 15
|[ Nagafen's Lair]
|[ Kaesora]
|[ Shard of Incandescent Power]
|[ Decomposing Scroll of Lore]
|HP 15, Mana 10, End 10
|[ Lake of Ill Omen]
|[ Petrified Bloodgill Eye]
|HP 5, Mana 5, STR 1, STA 2, INT 1, WIS 1
|[ Nagafen's Lair]
|[ Shard of Incandescent Power]
|HP 25, MR 5, FR 5, CR 5
|HP 25, MR 5, FR 5, CR 5
|[ Permafrost Caverns]
|[ Netherbian Lair]
|[ Chunk of Amorphous Granite]
|[ Blood Red Stone of Loss]
|HP 5, Mana 5, End 5, STR/STA/INT/WIS/AGI/DEX/CHA -1, MR/FR/CR/DR/PR -1, HP Regen 1
|[ Permafrost Caverns]
|[ Chunk of Amorphous Granite]
|Mana 10, End 10
|Mana 10, End 10
|[ Skyfire Mountains]
|[ Skyfire Mountains]
|[ Blackened Lava Rock]
|[ Blackened Lava Rock]
|Ykesha Proc (100 DD, 1 sec stun)
|Ykesha Proc (100 DD, 1 sec stun)
|[ Skyfire Mountains]
|[ Skyfire Mountains]
|[ Suspended Wurm Blood]
|[ Suspended Wurm Blood]
|Improved Damage III Focus
|Improved Damage III Focus
|[ Skyshrine]
|[ Corrupted Ruby Amulet]
|HP 25, Mana 25
|[ Solusek's Eye]
|[ Corrupted Emerald Amulet]
|[ Solusek's Eye]
|[ Singed Goblin Eye]
|AC 1, HP 5, Mana 5, End 5, STR/AGI/DEX/CHA -1
|[ Ssraeshza Temple]
|[ Shard of Growing Power]
|HP 35, Mana 35, End 35
|[ Ssraeshza Temple]
|[ Snakeskin Gem]
|HP 15, Mana 55, End 55, STR 2
Line 82: Line 152:
|[ The Deep]
|[ Temple of Droga]
|[ Coagulated Darkness]
|[ Fossilized Bone Shard]
|HP 20, MR 5, FR 5, CR 5, DR 5, PR 5
|Mana 45, End 45
|[ The Ruins of Old Guk]
|[ The Castle of Mistmoore]
|[ Decayed Froglok Eye]
|[ Polished Crysolite]
|HP 5, Mana 15, End 15, INT/WIS/CHA 1
|[ The City of Guk]
|[ Compressed Froglok Bile]
|AC 1, Hp 5, STR/STA/INT/WIS -1, MR 1, CR 1
|[ The Deep]
|[ Coagulated Darkness]
|HP 20, MR/FR/CR/DR/PR 5
|[ The Overthere]
|[ Shard of Slight Power]
|HP 10, Mana 10, MR/FR/CR/DR/PR 1
|[ The Ruins of Old Guk]
|[ Decayed Froglok Eye]
|[ The Ruins of Old Guk]
|[ The Ruins of Old Guk]
|[ Froglok Egg Capsule]
|[ Froglok Egg Capsule]
|HP 25, Mana 15, End 15, STR/STA/AGI 1
|HP 25, Mana 15, End 15, STR/STA/AGI 1
Line 102: Line 192:
|[ Trakanon's Teeth]
|[ Tower of Frozen Shadow]
|[ Dull Diamondine]
|[ Foul Crystalline Eye]
|AC 10, HP 50, Mana 50, FR 2, PR 2, Mana Regen 1
|[ Tower of Frozen Shadow]
|[ Frozen Crystalline Eye]
|AC 7, HP 30
|[ Trakanon's Teeth]
|[ Dull Diamondine]
|AC 5, AGI 5, DEX 5, DR 5, PR 5
|AC 5, AGI 5, DEX 5, DR 5, PR 5
|[ Velketor's Labyrinth]
|[ Velketor's Labyrinth]
|[ Frozen Spider Eye]
|[ Frozen Spider Eye]
|Mana 30, End 30
|Mana 30, End 30
|[ Wakening Land]
|[ Wakening Land]
|[ Petrified Holgresh Eye]
|[ Petrified Holgresh Eye]
|Mana 25, End 25, STR/STA/INT/WIS/AGI/DEX/CHA 5
|Mana 25, End 25, STR/STA/INT/WIS/AGI/DEX/CHA 5
|[ Warsliks Woods]
|[ Polished Anthracite]
|HP 20, AGI/DEX 5

Revision as of 20:21, 5 December 2021

Zone Augment Stats Slot
Acrylia Caverns Heart of the Sky AC 10, HP 40, HP Regen 1 7
Akheva Ruins Corrupted Sunstone Amulet HP 30, Mana 30 7
Burning Wood Spotted Lava Rock Mana 30, End 30, FR 10 7
Cazic Thule Fossilized Tae Ew Eye HP 10, Mana 10, End 10 7
Crypt of Dalnir Polished Green Softstone AC 5, Mana 5, End 5 7
Crystal Caverns Blue Flecked Rock HP 10, End 10, AGI 5, DEX 5 7
Crystal Caverns Regurgitated Crystals HP 5, Mana 15, End 15, INT/WIS/CHA 1 7
Crystal Caverns Shard of Faint Power Mana 10, STR/STA/INT/WIS/AGI/DEX/CHA 1 7
Dragon Necropolis Dingy Grey Stone Mana 50, End 50, CHA 10 7
East Commons (Quest) Undead Bane I HP 10, Mana 10 7
Firiona Vie Pilgrim's Protector AC 2, HP 5 7
Frontier Mountains Petrified Goblin Eye HP 15 7
Great Divide Frozen Kodiak Claw AC 2, HP 5, Mana 5, End 5 7
Great Divide Shard of Power HP 25, STR/STA/INT/WIS/AGI/DEX/CHA 2 7
Howling Stones Enchanted Werebone AC 4, HP 5, Mana 10, End 10, AGI 2 7
Iceclad Ocean Brittle Yellow Stone Mana 15, End 15 7
Kaesora Decomposing Scroll of Lore HP 15, Mana 10, End 10 7
Lake of Ill Omen Petrified Bloodgill Eye HP 5, Mana 5, STR 1, STA 2, INT 1, WIS 1 7
Nagafen's Lair Shard of Incandescent Power HP 25, MR 5, FR 5, CR 5 7
Netherbian Lair Blood Red Stone of Loss HP 5, Mana 5, End 5, STR/STA/INT/WIS/AGI/DEX/CHA -1, MR/FR/CR/DR/PR -1, HP Regen 1 7
Permafrost Caverns Chunk of Amorphous Granite Mana 10, End 10 7
Skyfire Mountains Blackened Lava Rock Ykesha Proc (100 DD, 1 sec stun) 4
Skyfire Mountains Suspended Wurm Blood Improved Damage III Focus 7
Skyshrine Corrupted Ruby Amulet HP 25, Mana 25 7
Solusek's Eye Corrupted Emerald Amulet HP 5, STR/STA/INT/WIS/AGI/DEX/CHA 1 7
Solusek's Eye Singed Goblin Eye AC 1, HP 5, Mana 5, End 5, STR/AGI/DEX/CHA -1 7
Ssraeshza Temple Shard of Growing Power HP 35, Mana 35, End 35 7
Ssraeshza Temple Snakeskin Gem HP 15, Mana 55, End 55, STR 2 7
Stonebrunt Mountains Shard of Imperceptible Power HP 5, Mana 5, AGI 1, DEX 1, CHA 3 7
Temple of Droga Fossilized Bone Shard Mana 45, End 45 7
The Castle of Mistmoore Polished Crysolite HP 5, Mana 15, End 15, INT/WIS/CHA 1 7
The City of Guk Compressed Froglok Bile AC 1, Hp 5, STR/STA/INT/WIS -1, MR 1, CR 1 7
The Deep Coagulated Darkness HP 20, MR/FR/CR/DR/PR 5 7
The Overthere Shard of Slight Power HP 10, Mana 10, MR/FR/CR/DR/PR 1 7
The Ruins of Old Guk Decayed Froglok Eye Mana 25, STR/STA/INT/WIS/AGI/DEX/CHA 2 7
The Ruins of Old Guk Froglok Egg Capsule HP 25, Mana 15, End 15, STR/STA/AGI 1 7
The Ruins of Sebilis Pickled Froglok Eye HP 30, Mana 30, End 30, DR 5, PR 5 7
Tower of Frozen Shadow Foul Crystalline Eye AC 10, HP 50, Mana 50, FR 2, PR 2, Mana Regen 1 7
Tower of Frozen Shadow Frozen Crystalline Eye AC 7, HP 30 7
Trakanon's Teeth Dull Diamondine AC 5, AGI 5, DEX 5, DR 5, PR 5 7
Velketor's Labyrinth Frozen Spider Eye Mana 30, End 30 7
Wakening Land Petrified Holgresh Eye Mana 25, End 25, STR/STA/INT/WIS/AGI/DEX/CHA 5 7
Warsliks Woods Polished Anthracite HP 20, AGI/DEX 5 7