Beginner Guide

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Beginner Tips

In IxiQuest you start off with a few beginner AA abilities, most notably, Origin (allows you to port to your home town every 13 minutes), and Pet Affinity (This ability makes your summoned pets a valid target for beneficial group spells.) along with a few basic stats.

Press CTRL + F and locate the 'Spirit Assistant' NPC. Hail them to receive your starting AA's, some beginner buffs and the ability to purchase some basic no rent armor for yourself or for your pet.")

You can choose to use the tutorial zone up to level 14 by hailing Kardador Tarsinian or you can find valuable EXP and rewards in the following zones, Crushbone (lvl 4+), Kurn's (lvl 8+), Befallen (lvl 8+), and Warrens (lvl 4+).