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Shamans are a versatile wisdom caster with strong healing and damage capabilities, and some of the best buffs in the game.



  • Excellent buffs (Avatar, Focus, Haste, various stats, SoW and other utility)
  • Excellent debuffs (Slow, resist debuffs)
  • Good heals (Quick Heal, Mini-CH, Torpor)
  • Decent damage (Poison/Disease DoTs, Pet)
  • Cannibalize line is improved on RetroQuest, and allows HP->Mana
  • Fairly tanky for a caster


  • Healing ability is less than other wisdom casters.


A shaman pairs particularly well with melee classes. Their buffs are welcome in any group, and their debuffs make them especially good when tackling difficult encounters. If your end-game goal is killing the hardest stuff possible with a duo or small group, a shaman will be essential to your party. Their heals are effective enough to fulfill the primary healer role in a full group, but they can also contribute decent damage with their DoTs and pet when necessary.


A shaman's primary contribution in a raid setting is buffing others and debuffing the raid targets. After the primary target has been debuffed, their role is typically spot healing and contributing damage. The inclusion of group versions for most of their buffs and the low cooldown on Mass Group Buff on IxiQuest makes keeping buffs up on everyone significantly less frustrating than on a strictly classic-era server.

RetroQuest Spells & Abilities

The following is a partial list of spells available on RetroQuest that are not available on strictly classic servers, some of these may not be available until later expansions.

  • Cannibalize rate of HP->Mana significantly increased. (Example Canni IV is 1036 HP / 490 MP, vs 148 HP / 82 MP on p99)
  • True Spirit (Improved Pet @ L60 (Fully controllable))
  • Chloroblast (Improved, Heal 1000 HP, 3.75s)
  • Kragg's Mending (Heal 3000 HP, 10s)
  • Incarnate Anew (90% Rez)
  • Group Celerity, Group Shrink and other group versions of buffs.
  • Anathema - Curse DoT, 225+ / tick.
  • Idol of Malo (Totem that casts Malo)

Alternate Advancement

The following is a partial list of AAs available to the class.

In addition, all classes get access to some general abilities such as Origin, Run Speed, Bandolier Slots, Improved Stats and Stat Caps, Increased Max Buffs, Improved Regen, and more.

  • Cannibalization (Better Canni)
  • Improved Poison/Disease Cure
  • Rabid Bear (Turns you into a rabid bear, +stats)
  • Spell Casting Mastery, Reinforcement, Subtlety, Fury
  • Improved DoT crit chance
  • Quick Buff, Mass Group Buff
  • Various Healing AA's
  • Improved Mana Regen
  • Extra Spell Slots
  • Gate


Level Spell Name Effect(s) Target Type Locations
1 Burst of Flame Decrease HP by 3-5 Single Tokun in Grobb
1 Cure Disease Remove Minor Disease Single Tokun in Grobb
1 Dexterous Aura Increase Dex by 5-14 Single Tokun in Grobb
1 Endure Cold Increase Cold Resist by 11 Single Tokun in Grobb
1 Flash of Light Blind Target, Decrease Atk by 5 Single Vessel Kirtokk in East Cabillis
1 Inner Fire Increase AC by 1, Max HP by 11 Single Tokun in Grobb
1 Minor Healing Heal for 10-20 Single Tokun in Grobb
1 Strengthen Increase Str by 5-14 Single Tokun in Grobb
1 True North Point you North Self Tokun in Grobb
2 Cure Poison Remove Minor Poison Single Tokun in Grobb
2 Spirit Pouch Summon: Spirit Pouch Self Tokun in Grobb
2 Summon Drink Summon: Globe of Water Self Tokun in Grobb, Firrion Roweus in the HUB
3 Feel like Cat Increase Agi by 10-27 Single Tokun in Grobb
3 Scale of Skin Increase AC by 3-9 Single Tokun in Grobb
4 Fleeting Fury Increase Str by 15, Increase AC by 6, Increase Dex by 20 Single Tokun in Grobb
4 Frost Rift Decrease HP by 24-29 Single Tokun in Grobb
4 Sicken Increase Disease Counter by 1, Decrease HP by 1 per tick, Decrease HP by 8 when cast Single Grazik Plaguebringer in East Cabillis
5 Drowsy Decrease Atk speed by 10%, Increase disease counter by 3 Single Firrion Roweus in the HUB
5 Endure FIre Increase Fire Resist by 11-30 Single Tokun in Grobb
5 Gate Teleport to Bind Self Tokun in Grobb
6 Serpent Sight Infravision Single Vessel Kirtokk in East Cabillis
6 Spirit of Bear Increase Sta by 8-23 Single Hoart in Grobb, Firrion Roweus in the HUB
6 Summon Food Summon: Black Bread Self Hoart in Grobb, Firrion Roweus in the HUB
7 Sense Animals Sense nearest animal Single Vessel Kirtokk in East Cabillis
7 Cure Blindness Blind Target Single Vessel Kirtokk in East Cabillis
7 Spirit Sight See invisible Single Firrion Roweus in the HUB
8 Endure Disease Increase Disease Resist by 11-30 Single Vessel Kirtokk in East Cabillis
8 Tainted Breath Increase poison counter by 5, Decrease HP by 10 when cast, Decrease HP by 10 per tick Single Firrion Roweus in the HUB
9 Light Healing Heal for 35-65 HP Single Hoart in Grobb, Firrion Roweus in the HUB, Tukanta in Halas
9 Spirit of Wolf Increase movement by 30%-85% Single Hoart in Grobb, Firrion Roweus in the HUB, Tukanta in Halas
10 Levitate Levitate Single Firrion Roweus in the HUB, Tukanta in Halas, Hoart in Grobb
10 Invisibility Versus Animals Invisibility to Animals Single
10 Spirit of Snake Increase Cha by 6-21 Single Tukanta in Halas, Hoart in Grobb
11 Burst of Strength Increase Str by 20, AC by 7, Dex by 20 Single Tukanta in Halas, Hoart in Grobb
11 Endure Poison Increase poison resist by 11-30 Single Vessel Kirtokk in East Cabillis
11 Turtle Skin Increase AC by 5-15 Single Tukanta in Halas, Firrion Roweus in the HUB, Hoart in Grobb
12 Disempower Decrease Sta by 3, Decrease Str by 7, Decrease AC by 4 Single Tukanta in Halas, Hoart in Grobb
12 Enduring Breath Breath Underwater - consumes fish scales Single Tukanta in Halas, Firrion Roweus in the HUB, Hoart in Grobb
12 Root Prevent enemy movement Single Hoart in Grobb
13 Walking Sleep Decrease Atk speed by 20%, Increase disease counter by 6 Single Hoart in Grobb, Tukanta in Halas
14 Bind Affinity Bind soul to location casted Single Tukanta in Halas, Hoart in Grobb
14 Spirit Strike Decrease HP by 58-78 Single Tukanta in Halas, Hoart in Grobb, Firrion Roweus in the HUB
15 Infectious Cloud Increase Disease Counter by 1, Decrease HP by 20 upon cast and 5 per tick Target AOE Vessel Kirtokk in East Cabillis
15 Shrink Become a little person Single Tukanta in Halas, Hoart in Grobb, Firrion Roweus in the HUB
16 Frenzy Increase AC by 4, Agi by 10, Str by 15, Dex by 11 Self Boraskor in Halas, Firrion Roweus in the HUB, Barsk in Grobb
16 Tiny Companion Make pet smaller Pet Palik Agrolm in the HUB
17 Insidious Fever Increase disease counter by 4, Decrease Disease Resist by 10 Single Vessel Kirtokk in East Cabillis
17 Vision Increase vision Range and night vision Single Vessel Kirtokk in East Cabillis
18 Malaise Decrease Cold, Fire, Poison, Magic Resist by 6 Single Boraskor in Halas, Barsk in Grobb
18 Spirit of Cat Increase Agi by 5 Single Boraskor in Halas, Barsk in Grobb
18 Spirit Strength Increase Str by 7 Single Boraskor in Halas, Barsk in Grobb, Firrion Roweus in the HUB
19 Affliction Increase Disease Counter by 4, Decrease HP by 42 then 7 per tick Single Vessel Kirtokk in East Cabillis
19 Cancel Magic Remove buff from target Single Boraskor in Halas, Barsk in Grobb
19 Endure Magic Increase Magic Resist by 11 Single Boraskor in Halas, Barsk in Grobb
19 Healing Heal for 95-175 Single Boraskor in Halas, Barsk in Grobb, Firrion Roweus in the HUB