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Classes (back)


Enchanters are a powerful intelligence caster with some unusual abilities. Expect a steep learning curve as you learn to control the chaos.



  • Excellent crowd control (Mez, Stun)
  • Ability to charm powerful NPCs as pets (With no diminishing returns on re-charms)
  • Excellent buffs (Haste, Mana Regen, Magic Resist)
  • Good debuffs (Slow, magic resist)
  • Pacify line and high charisma helps with pulls
  • Variety of utility buffs (Illusions, Invis, etc)
  • High risk vs reward


  • Weak damage without charmed pet
  • Learning curve will take some time to master


An enchanter pairs well with any priest class in a duo if they are prepared to control a charmed pet. Expect to become proficient at crowd control and charming, which will take some practice. Their presence is always welcome in a group as they get some of the most highly desired buffs in the game, and their debuffs are very helpful when tackling difficult enemies. Their crowd control abilities are second to none, and can turn around otherwise disastrous situations.


Enchanters are primarily tasked with buffing and debuffing in a raid setting, although certain encounters may call for their crowd control and other abilities as well. Raids will suffer significantly without at least one enchanter, but do not tend to run with many of the class.

RetroQuest Spells & Abilities

The following is a partial list of spells available on RetroQuest that are not available on strictly classic servers, some of these may not be available until later expansions.

  • Beguiler's Aura (Group Mana Regen Aura)
  • Speed of the Brood (Group Haste and Stats)
  • Kodiac's Endless Intellect (Mana Regen)
  • Night's Dark Terror (Targeted atk/dex/lifetap proc buff)
  • Aeldorb's Animation (Better animation pet)
  • Strangle (Level 60 DoT)

Alternate Advancement

The following is a partial list of AAs available to the class.

Kunark General AA

Kunark Archtype AA

  • Mental Clarity 1
  • Pet Affinity (innate)
  • Spell Casting Deftness 1
  • Spell Casting Expertise 1
  • Spell Casting Fury 1
  • Spell Casting Mastery 1
  • Spell Casting Subtlety 1

Kunark Class AA

  • Eldritch Rune 1

Enchanter Auras

Auras can be purchased from Researcher Brinn in the hub with a version every 10 levels starting at level 25. Auras do not stack with the same aura, higher level auras will overwrite lower level auras. Auras that are different will stack up to 6 (a full group).

Enchanter - Aura of Glimmer - Increases you and your companions spell haste and intelligence.