Plane of Hate

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Planes (back)

Plane of hate kronas P991.jpg

The Plane of Hate is home to Innoruuk and his numerous minions.

Level of Monsters: 48+
Minimum Player Level: 46+
Adjacent Zones: None (Wizard Port-In Only)
Name in /who: hateplane/hateplaneb
Succor/Evacuate: -375, -354 (Zone-in)

Map Locations

  • 1. Port In Location
  • 2-19. Various buildings.
  • 20. The Church
  • 21-28. Various buildings.
  • 29. The Organ Hall with Maestro of Rancor. This building has a second floor.
  • 30. Spiral staircase to the second level. The Fountain is immediately to the east.


Getting In and Out

The Plane of Hate can only be reached via the wizard spell Alter Plane: Hate, and requires the reagent Fuligan Soulstone of Innoruuk. The stone is sold by Dvis Zexus, the coffin vendor in the dark elf cleric guild, Neriak 3rd Gate. Minimum price for it is 260pp. Any character below level 46 will not be able to enter the Plane of Hate. Upon entering, players are often immediately attacked and surrounded by a number of enemies. Many monsters will see through invisibility and Invisibility versus Undead. The entire zone is extremely dangerous and intended for raids of multiple groups.

There are no conventional zone exits; players must Gate, be ported out by a wizard or druid, or use other means to exit the zone.

Pulling Mobs

On Live, the safest place to pull to was the southwest corner. On Project 1999 (Blue), there is an imp trap in the southwest corner and it is very not safe. Groups seem to have no problem pulling to church, zone in, or organ hall. The later two are usually the preferred camps.


See Plane of Hate Strategy Guide

P99 Raid Rules

Friendly reminder on some of the rules:

- You must port up after a mini or Inny has spawned.

- If you were in the zone before a mini or Inny has spawned, you must leave the zone and come back. Unless you are a raid force actively clearing (Raid force meaning more than 1 group?), then you are exempt from this rule.

- Dying and resurrecting does not meet these requirements. Example: you cannot die in at the fountain/stairs safe spot, get ressed by a cleric who was camped out there, and come back into the zone. This also encompasses that you CANNOT be ressed by a necro/paladin/cleric tracker. If you die while attempting a Hate raid target, you must be ressed by a character who was also ported up after the Hate raid target had spawned.

- Also, and this should go without saying, if you kill another tracker there you have got to res them.

Enemies and Loot

A listing of the foes you are likely to encounter here, with a brief description and any special skills they possess, along with a list of their drops. As with other planar mobs, they can all randomly drop high level research components and gems.

a spite golem

Large, black mud golem. Shaman, casts SOW and alacrity on nearby mobs, has a pet. Scowls at a sneaking rogue, but does not see them. 100% spell resistant to all but poison/disease based spells. This includes mes, so these are usually engaged first, or if one adds late the MT will need to switch targets.

a scorn banshee

Warrior class. Warning: WILL SEE THROUGH A ROGUE'S HIDE, but you can sneak behind them. Undead (female zombie). Do strong disease.

a forsaken revenant (male)

Male revenants are magicians and cast charm, have annoying damage shields. Males also cast nasty AE spells. Have pets. Do not see rogues. Undead (vampires).

a forsaken revenant (female)

Females revenants are are similar to males, but in place of AE nukes, they cast an AE mez. Do not see rogues. Undead (vampires).

an abhorrent

Rogues (backstab). Do not go invisible or see rogues. Very low magic resists - enchanters favorite target for charming. Gargoyle look.

Cleric of Innoruuk

Don't have a whole lot of HP at first glance, but they cast complete heals very fast - especially at each other, and interrupting them is very difficult. Do not see rogues. Look like dark elven guards.

a kiraikuei

Monk class. Do not see rogues. Undead (mummies). Do strong disease.

an ire ghast

Shadowknights (multiple harm touch). Undead, ghouls. Do not see rogues.

a revultant rat

Warriors, do deadly poison. Do not see rogues. Giant diseased rats.

an ashenbone drake

Necromancers. Do not see rogues. Undead, miniature versions of Dracoliche (dragon skeleton). Belly Caster. Highly magic resistant, including to mes, so these are usually engaged first, or if one adds late the MT will need to switch targets.

a haunted chest

Warrior. They look like a bog box with teeth. They will proc a Nullify Magic, so they will strip your buffs. They do not see a rogue, but do see others. They have an extremely small aggro range and are very slow. When pulling, the puller has to stay close, or the box will forget and go home. They even aggro other mobs at a very short range. Boxes spawn only in fixed locations. They are not on any other spawn table.

As for Phoboplasm in Plane of Fear, there are conflicting reports as to whether haunted chests can truly drop ANY piece, or just 1 piece from certain class (i.e. Cleric Vambracers, Paladin Greaves, Cryosilk Legs, Ranger Boots, Monk Boots, etc.)

a loathling lich

Wizard. Warning: WILL SEE THROUGH A ROGUE'S HIDE, but you can sneak behind them. Undead, spectres.

Hate Mini-Bosses

A collection of Mini-Bosses that are available after the Plane of Hate revamp; see Plane of Hate Miniboss Loot for a list of what each mini-boss drops.

Ashenbone Broodmaster

Avatar of Abhorrence

Coercer T`vala

Grandmaster R`Tal

High Priest M`kari

Lord of Ire

Lord of Loathing

Magi P`Tasa

Drops the hardest-to-get item for the Magician Epic Quest, and a key item for the Ranger Epic Quest also.

Master of Spite

Mistress of Scorn

Magi P`Tasa

Maestro of Rancor

The guardian of Innoruuk, this nasty fellow resides near his organ. Casts an AE lifetap (small radius though, only catches melees).


Innoruuk (God - Hate Revamp)

The God of Hate resides on the second floor. He death touches, so your first encounter with him will likely be a short one. See the raid encounter page for more information and drops.