Iksar Shadowknight Newbie Armor Quests

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Hunting list
Item Amount Dropped by Zones
Brick of Crude Iron Ore 15 Low level gnolls and orcs Blackburrow, East Commonlands, East Freeport, Everfrost Peaks, Lake Rathetear, Misty thicket, North Qeynos, Northern Desert of Ro, Southern Desert of Ro, The Lair of the Splitpaw, The Qeynos Hills, West Commonlands, West Freeport
Ruined Cat Pelt 5 a young plains cat, a puma, a snow leopard East Commonlands, Lake of Ill Omen, Everfrost Peaks, see Alla link for more
Low Quality Cat Pelt 3 a young plains cat, a puma, a mountain lion East Commonlands, Northern Desert of Ro, Southern Desert of Ro, Oasis of Marr, Steamfont Mountains, see Alla link for more
Medium Quality Cat Pelt 1 a young plains cat, a puma, a lioness matriarch, a lion patriarch East Commonlands, Eastern Plains of Karana, Lake of Ill Omen, see Alla link for more
Large Leaf Scarab Eyes 2 a large leaf scarab East Commonlands
Leaf Scarab Sternite 1 a leaf scarab East Commonlands
Leaf Scarab Tarsus 2 a leaf scarab East Commonlands
Large Leaf Scarab Patella 2 a large leaf scarab East Commonlands
Large Leaf Scarab Sternite 2 a large leaf scarab East Commonlands
Giant Leaf Scarab Carapace 1 a giant leaf scarab East Commonlands
Giant Leaf Scarab Tergite 2 a giant leaf scarab East Commonlands
Hunting list
Dismal Knight Helm
Dismal Knight Bracer
Dismal Knight Gauntlets
Dismal Knight Boots
Dismal Knight Vambraces
Dismal Knight Greaves
Dismal Knight Breastplate

The quests start out in East Cabilis at your origin point in the shadowknight guild by talking to Gunex. He will give you a note to hand to Quan Nektogo, also in the guild hall.

Quan Nektogo says, 'Sorry buddy I didn't realize you were one of us. I've got no problem helping out an associate of Gunex. You'll need this Mail Assembly Kit to construct your new armor. The materials required depend on the section of armor you're planning on crafting. Do you plan on crafting a [dismal knight helm], a [dismal knight bracer], [dismal knight gauntlets], [dismal knight boots], [dismal knight vambraces], [dismal knight greaves], or a [dismal knight breastplate].'

You say, 'dismal knight helm' Quan Nektogo says, 'To assemble a Dismal Knight Helm you will need to obtain two bricks of crude iron and smelt them in a [forge] with a Water Flask and this Crude Helm Mold. One that is done combine the Crude Iron Helm with a Ruined Cat Pelt and two Large Leaf Scarab Eyes in the Mail Assembly Kit.'

You say, 'dismal knight bracer' Quan Nektogo says, ' To assemble a Dismal Knight Bracer you will need to obtain a brick of crude iron and smelt it in a [forge] with a Water Flask and this Crude Bracer Mold. Once that is done, combine the Crude Iron Bracer with a Ruined Cat Pelt and a Leaf Scarab Sternite in the Mail Assembly Kit.'

You say, 'dismal knight gauntlets' Quan Nektogo says, 'To assemble Dismal Knight Gauntlets you will need to obtain two bricks of crude iron and smelt them in a [forge] with a Water Flask and this crude Gauntlet Mold. Once that is done combine the Crude Iron Gauntlets with a Ruined Cat Pelt and two Leaf Scarab Tarsi in the Mail Assembly Kit.'

You say, 'dismal knight boots' Quan Nektogo says, 'To assemble Dismal Knight Boots you will need to obtain two bricks of crude iron and smelt them in a [forge] with a Water Flask and this crude Boot Mold. Once that is done combine the Crude Iron Boots with two Ruined Cat Pelts, and two Large Leaf Scarab Tarsi in the Mail Assembly Kit.'

You say 'dismal knight vambraces' Quan Nektogo says, 'To assemble Dismal Knight Vambraces you will need to obtain two bricks of crude iron and smelt them in a [forge] with a Water Flask and this Crude Vambrace Mold. Once that is done combine the Crude Iron Vambraces with a Low Quality Cat Pelt and two Large Leaf Scarab Patella in the Mail Assembly Kit.'

You say 'dismal knight greaves' Quan Nektogo says, 'To assemble Dismal Knight Greaves you will need to obtain two bricks of crude iron and smelt them in a [forge] with a Water Flask and this Crude Greaves Mold. Once that is done combine the Crude Iron Greaves with two Low Quality Cat Pelts and two Large Leaf Scarab Sternites in the Mail Assembly Kit.'

You say 'dismal knight breastplate' Quan Nektogo says, 'To assemble a Dismal Knight Breastplate you will need to obtain four bricks of crude iron and smelt them in a [forge] with a Water Flask and this Crude Breastplate Mold. Once that is done combine the Crude Iron Breastplate with a Medium Quality Cat Pelt, a Giant Leaf Scarab Carapace, and two Giant Leaf Scarab Tergites in the Mail Assembly Kit.'