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A crude guide to levling blacksmithing! (You'll want to try out cultural smithing after you get to about 150 or higher skill)

This is a good progression given the current trivials If you open the Forge you'll see you can choose recipes, but you'll only have access to thoes within your skill level. If you wnat to make something new, you'll need to click the "Experiment" button and then look up the recipes.

0 to 18: Metal Bits (Trivial @ 18, but make enough until you have around 16 stacks of Metal Bits for leveling through to 115.)\

18 to 46: Make a file first! You'll need it to make Metal rings and other components, it also gets returned after use.

         High Quality Metal rings: File, Large Brick of High Quality Ore, water flask (you'll use these after Banded)

38 to 115 Banded Armor (mask trival at 90 - Mail trivial at 115)

         You'll need platinum to buy: Sheet Metal, Water flasks, and sectional molds

115 to 142 Ornate Chain (Veil trivial at 116 - Mail trivial at 142)

         You'll need: High Quality Metal Rings, A smithy hammer, water flasks, silver bars and chainmail patterns

142 to 148 Ornate Elcectrum Chain (no Veil or Coif)

         You'll just have to use Electrum bars instead of silver. The Recipes are the same.

130 to 155 Ornate Gold chain

         That's right!  Same Recipe's  just add gold instead of electrum

136 to 162 Orante Platinum chain ... Do you see a pattern here ??

       -well, you made it this far...I hope you saved lots of Platinum! as well as have other crafter friends!-

163 to 179-(188) Fine plate Armor (Veil trivial at 163, Greaves at 179, Breast plate 188)

         You'll need: Medium Quality folded Sheet Metal, Water flasks, smithy hammer, Leather padding (from Tailoring),and  plate molds (Ex:"Breastplate mold")