Qeynos Aqueducts

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Antonica (back)

The Qeynos Catacombs (also known as Qeynos Aqueduct System, Qeynos Underground or Qeynos Sewers) are the vast ancient water supply to the city of Qeynos. The area was long ago walled off when it was no longer used, but then became the haven of the seedier elements of area, including the beggars and thieves, smugglers and thugs, and up to the members who worship the Plague Bringer himself.

Level of Monsters: 1-15, 33-38
Types of Monsters: Fish, Small Alligators, Large Spiders, Large Rats, Sewer Rats, Giant Rats, Snakes, Green Snakes, Large Snakes, Bats, Giant Bats, Fire Beetles, Frogloks, Wimpy Skeletons, Decaying Skeletons, Skeletons, Putrid Skeletons, Dread Corpses, Gelatinous Cubes, Beggars, Mercenaries, Thugs, Sewer Sentinels, Smugglers, Ring Leaders, Large Piranha, Sharks, Septic Rats, Necromancers, Spectres, Decaying Sentry, Rotting Sentry
Notable NPCs: Argyn Shieldstan, Bait Masterson, Beggar Wyllin, Bloated Alligator, Cuburt, Drosco, Exhausted Guard, Injured Brigand, An injured rat, Krynta Darkdagger, Mon'Sarna, A Nesting Rat, Ronn Castekin, a shady mercenary, An undead knight (Qeynos Aqueducts), Vin Moltor
Unique Items: Alligator Egg, Alligator Tooth Earring, Golden Locket, Limestone Ring, Thick Black Cape
Related Quests: The Bayle List, Find Lucie Elron, Rogue Epic Quest, Shadow Knight Epic Quest
Adjacent Zones: Qeynos
Name in /who: qcat
Succor/Evacuate: 214, -315 (Near the zone line to South Qeynos)



Qeynos Catacombs Navigation in the Qeynos Catacombs can be very frustrating without a resource such as the map below. There are many exits/entrances to the zone - some not as 'friendly' as others. Even with the map, caution is advised until one is more familiar with the zone. Pace yourself and keep track of where you are.


Level Range: 1-12

The Qeynos Catacombs can be considered to be an early exercise in factions and how they play a role in the safety of an area. Many of the creatures here (in fact, most) start out ambivalent to most people, and this includes everything but the undead and the people in the Temple of Bertoxxulous, who will both kill anyone that doesn’t pass as “evil” very quickly. Then, depending on who and what you decide to pick battles with, various members of the surroundings, be they the guards of Qeynos or the rougher elements, will become aggressive to you. Be aware that killing guards down here, where they are very weak, can lead to you being attacked by the vastly stronger guards in the city above.

Otherwise, the only wandering monsters that are aggressive to all are the large piranha, which can hit fast and for quite a bit of damage to a relatively new adventurer. Take a look in the water before making a long swim through a corridor with no exits, especially if you are not a good swimmer, or you could be trying to get your corpse out of the bottom of the water down here, while avoiding the same piranha.

Recently, the catacombs have become much more dangerous, and several powerful undead spectres can be seen in various areas, as well as wandering septic rats that are very powerful and aggressive. It is therefore wise to be much more careful when travelling around the catacombs than in days past.

There are also a number of 'pitfalls' on some of the entrances, such as from the Crow's Nest that will drop the unwary newcomer to their untimely death. Perhaps the largest danger of the Catacombs is the ease at to which a person can get lost and the difficulty one could potentially run into simply getting items back from a corpse.


The Qeynos Catacombs are a decent area for low level adventurers to hunt in. There is no shortage of creatures to kill and the vast majority are not 'social'; meaning they won't assist other creatures when you attack them. Perhaps with some exceptions. An adventurer can easily hunt the rats and beetles at level one and progress to level 10 without leaving for supplies. Once you learn the area, travel throughout can be quite simple.

"Evil" characters, such as followers of Bertoxxulous will find a bank, class trainers, spell and general vendors located in the Temple of Bertoxxulous.

Additionally, you will find very few that seek to make this zone their primary hunting spot. The literal maze of tunnels and canals keep the unwary far away. Those who follow Bertoxxulous or Innoruuk will find the surroundings much to their liking; if their preference is solitude with a variety of souls to send to their respective deities.

'Good' characters should take additional cautions near the Temple of Bertoxxulous as a number of higher level minions and NPCs are not at all agreeable to their presence.

Alternate Map


Traveling To and From Qeynos Catacombs

There are multiple separate ways into the Qeynos Catacombs, all are through tunnels that lead into them, and most of these are underwater ones. It is also possible to pass completely through Qeynos from the outside to where the ship lands by traveling through the Catacombs. The first entrance is located outside the city gates through a secret opening in the walls. Look for the heavy ivy clinging to the wall and the moisture that comes up from the well inside. This is the only entrance from outside the city. Next you are able to enter through the pool outside of the Monk's Guild Hall, by swimming down through a shaft inside. There is also an entrance from underneath Crow's Tavern in the Thieves Guild Hall, but this is unsafe as secret pits will drop you into the shark pit.

There are two entrances near the bank area, one is located behind the bank in the water before the magic-users guild halls. The other is in front of the bank in the water as well. The other underwater entrance lies in the harbor, in the next small area near to the dock where the boat arrives at. The final entrance is the secret entrance that the members of the Temple of Bertoxxulous use to get around, and that is through a secret tunnel lying under the Grounds of Fate.