Qeynos Hills

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Antonica (back)

Qeynos Hills is an area one step above the newbie area of North Qeynos and a very popular hunting ground between Qeynos and Surefall Glade. Qeynos Hills provides good hunting for the levels above although it can be heavily trafficked at times with monks looking to get their putrid bones, and others looking for pelts. Popular hunting areas include the entrance to Black Burrow where gnolls regularly appear, and the ruins which generate some nasty undead creatures. Beware of the two NPC rangers who tend to take a dislike to people killing bears and wolves, often leaving the scattered corpses of these animal killers in their wake. Also be careful near the ruins, where occasionally a group of dread corpses appear and slaughter everything in sight. It is a small and easy zone to get around once you get your bearings, and is the hub of activity on the western coast of Antonica.

Level of Monsters: 2-10
Types of Monsters: a large rat, a giant rat, a mangy rat, a snake, a large snake, a large bat, a giant bat, a fire beetle, a decaying skeleton, a putrid skeleton, a dread corpse, a gray wolf, a rabid wolf, a brown bear, a grizzly bear, a rabid grizzly, a gnoll, a gnoll pup, a gnoll scout, a gnoll watcher, a gnoll hunter,a willowisp
Notable NPCs: Baobob Miller, Chanda Miller, Gnasher Furgutt, Cros Treewind, Holly Windstalker, Scruffy, Tovax Vmar, Pyzjn, Varsoon, Varsoon the Undying, Konem Matse, Niclaus Ressinn, Barn Bloodstone, Rephas, Mira Sayer, Marton Sayer, Axe Broadsmith
Unique Items: Cros Treewind's Staff, Fishbone Earring, Glowing Black Stone, Gnoll Slayer
Related Quests: Bear Hide Armor, The Gnoll Slayer, Wolf Hide Armor, Rabid Wolves, Rabid Grizzlies, Gnoll Bounty, Moonstones
Adjacent Zones: North Qeynos, Blackburrow, Western Plains of Karana, Surefall Glade
Name in /who: qeytoqrg
Zone Spawn Timer: 6:40
Succor/Evacuate: 508, 83 (Crossroads)
ZEM Value: 75 100 (133%)


  • 1. The Millers' Fire
  • 2. The Haunted Ruins
  • 3. Hadden (6 hour Respawn) - chance to drop Fishbone Earring
  • 4. Hut which sells Smithing Books, Medium Armor Molds, Sectional Molds, and other smithing Molds, Sheet Metal
  • 5. Guard Tower


The danger with this zone, as with other zones, is that there are aggressive monsters wandering around that you don't want to get into a tangle with at too low a level. For instance, skeletons and grizzly bears, as well as rabid wolves are very deadly to many, and probably result in most of the deaths of people in this area.

Another danger are the two ranger NPCs wandering the zone. I haven't found a use for them, but can't count the number of times I've cursed them for killing me when I was attacked by a rabid wolf. You see, they take it upon themselves to keep "poachers" out of the area, which includes any character fighting either a wolf or bear, regardless of who started the fight. Keep your eyes peeled for these if you run into problems with either of those two monsters, and consider carefully the benefits of hunting wolves in this area, because they are harder to avoid than bears and will attack you constantly, and the two rangers don't care who picked on who, they'll kill you.

Gnasher also wanders through the zone randomly, usually around the entrance to Blackburrow. He has never attacked me personally, and he doesn't move too quickly, but if you hear the cry "Gnasher by BB" be sure to /con the gnoll you are attacking to make sure it isn't him. The people hiding at the zone edge to BB aren't going to be grateful if you run Gnasher to them and zone to escape him.

There is also two necromancers who wander the area with their pets, Pyzjn, a female gnome, and Tovax, a male human. These two are aggressive and tough.


There is a wide range of monsters of low levels to fight in this area, and it offers a good area to fight some 2nd level monsters that is away from the big city hustle and bustle of North Qeynos. Included in the mix are fire beetles, whose eyes are a boon to all who can't see at night, and will sell for a pretty penny on faraway places like Faydwer (Rangers and Druids need the eyes as a spell component for one of their earliest spells).

This is a good area to get both small and large pelts for making patchwork leather armor (i.e. wolf and bear pelts). The only problem is that there aren't many people around this area who use small patchwork armor, so killing wolves in order to make it means you'll be selling it back to merchants for not much profit and manage to irritate the local rangers at the same time.

The zone is also relatively small, making it good for fleeing to zone edges or guards to escape pursuing monsters.

The most common hunting spot in the zone is the area around the entrance to Blackburrow. There are at least 10 gnolls which spawn around the tunnel and on the nearby hills at a reasonably fast pace. They are generally separated by enough distance that single pulling is assured. To the north of this are the ruins where putrid skeletons and giant bats can be pulled while waiting for the gnolls to repop or you can head into Blackburrow itself and clear the surface level. This whole area is a good place to go from level 3-6 before heading into Blackburrow.

Note for monks: this is the only zone I'm aware of where putrid skeletons spawn who drop the bone for your second head band quest. There are two putrid skeletons that pop in the northern ruins and a single skeleton which pops in the valley south of the BB entrance.

Traveling To and From

From the North, Qeynos Hill is reached through Blackburrow, home of the Blackburrow Gnolls. This can be a dangerous place, and probably shouldn't be travelled by those less than about 4th or 5th level, you can still fly through as long as you keep your eyes peeled for trouble. On the other side is Everfrost Peaks and the barbarian home of Halas. Also to the North is Surefall Glade, home of the rangers and druids of the area. The area in front of Surefall Glade is a good newbie area, and generally less crowded than the one next to Qeynos.

From the South, Qeynos Hills is entered by coming out of North Qeynos, a city of humans and half-elves.

From the East, access is through the Western Plains of Karana, a higher level zone for people greater than 4th level. The lands beyond are even more dangerous, so don't think you can sneak through unless you're like me, a Bard on the wings of my drum.