Tally Cruz

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Tally Cruz sells EXP Nimbus, some newbie armor and some other helpful items like potions used for various things. She is located in the Hub (ECommons tunnel) at -1737, -223, 5.


You say, 'Hail, Tally Cruz'

Tally Cruz says 'Greetings Zdeno, Might you be interested in some powerful [items]?'

You say, 'items'

Would you like to see what's [for sale] or just check the [amount] you have available?

You say, 'for sale'

Please choose [weapon], [held], [chest], [head], [food], [nimbus] or [potion]. You will need to make sure you don't purchase a lore item, or your faction will poof for no reward.

Cost Item
100 IxiQuest Faction IxiQuest Potion of Adventure
Cost Item
115 IxiQuest Faction Staff of the Observers
115 IxiQuest Faction Polished Steel Dirk
115 IxiQuest Faction Runed Falchion
115 IxiQuest Faction Rain Caller
115 IxiQuest Faction Blackjack
115 IxiQuest Faction Blade of Xalgoz
115 IxiQuest Faction Rod of Battle
115 IxiQuest Faction Polished Granite Tomahawk
Held (Offhand/Shield)
Cost Item
115 IxiQuest Faction Stein of Moggok
115 IxiQuest Faction Chitin Shell Shield
115 IxiQuest Faction Paw of Opolla
Cost Item
115 IxiQuest Faction Dusty Breastplate
115 IxiQuest Faction Blackened Alloy Mail
115 IxiQuest Faction Mithril-Runed Tunic
115 IxiQuest Faction Robe of the Oracle
115 IxiQuest Faction Large Fine Steel Breastplate
Cost Item
115 IxiQuest Faction Skull-shaped Barbute
115 IxiQuest Faction Iksar Hide Cap
115 IxiQuest Faction Hammerhead Helm
Cost Item
15 IxiQuest Faction Barbequed Cragbeast Souffle
30 IxiQuest Faction Baked Dragonscale Bullhead
25 IxiQuest Faction Aviak Eggs
15 IxiQuest Faction Barbequed Crab Souffle
Cost Item
140 IxiQuest Faction Philter of Gulon's Impunity
70 IxiQuest Faction 5 Dose Potion of Fleeting Languor
85 IxiQuest Faction Philter of Aquatic Haunt
90 IxiQuest Faction Philter of Unlife Awareness
140 IxiQuest Faction 5 Dose Cloudy Potion
110 IxiQuest Faction Philter of the Wolf V
110 IxiQuest Faction Potion of Binding
70 IxiQuest Faction Distillate of Alacrity X
110 IxiQuest Faction Philter of the Ant