Toxxulia Forest

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Odus (back)


Toxxulia Forest is a dark and quiet forest that encompasses much of the island continent of Odus. It is separated into two areas by a river running roughly east to west through it, the northern half more habited and the southern half controlled by the kobolds and the necromancers. If you are new to this area, check out the Erudin Starting Guide.

Level of Monsters: 1-10
Types of Monsters: Snakes of all types, Spiderlings, Fire Beetles, Decaying Skeletons, Kobold Runts, Kobold Scouts, Kobold Watchers, Kobold Sentries, Kobold Shamans, Skeletons, Piranha, Giant Pirhana, Poachers, Elementals, Fading Spectre
Notable NPCs: Rungupp, Elial Brook and pet, Talrigar Eklorin with pet, Paladin NPC
Unique Items: Troll Head , Poacher's Head
Related Quests: Mining Caps, First Test of Kejaar, Second Test of Kejaar, Shadow Knight Epic Quest
Adjacent Zones: Kerra Island, Erudin, Paineel
Name in /who: tox
Zone Spawn Timer: 6:40
Succor/Evacuate: 2295, 203 (Outside Erudin gates)


Toxxulia Forest
  • 1. Wizard Hut: Books including On Languages and Lexicon, also Throwing Daggers and Blacksmithing Books and Molds
  • 2. Bags
  • 3. Enchanter's Hut: Books, Tiny Daggers, Gems, Gold Robes, also Cooking supplies
  • 4. Magician's Hut: Books, Gems/Components, Blue Robes
  • 5. Druid Ring with NPC selling the Succor and Circle Of spells (1049.34, -346.56)
  • 6. Abandoned Necromancer's Hut* (*this is not abandoned in classic, until Paineel is in. Pre-Paineel it is full of necro NPCs and guildmasters)
  • 7. Western Dock
  • 8. Kobold Camp
  • 9. Wizard Spires (-1489.66 , -911.84)
  • 10. Kobold Camp
  • 11. Rungupp


This island is the newbie area for the Erudites, and much of the northern half of the zone consists of creatures second level or less running around. The southern half is a little more dangerous, with the most dangerous being the fact that it's easy to get lost here and aggressive skeletons and kobolds roam the zone. It is considered unwise to venture below the bridge unless you are at least 4th level or higher. Good aligned Erudites should be aware of Talrigar Eklorin who patrols in the southern half of the zone.


This is generally a pretty quiet and safe zone. There are not so many creatures in the newbie area that you can get killed easily by wandering monsters. On the other side of the bridge, although there are dangers, it is generally pretty safe. The water acts as sort of a barrier for monsters in the zone, in that the tougher monsters generally appear south of the water, but this isn't always the case, and it's important to stay on your toes north of the bridge.

The other benefit is the kobolds in the camps. They are generally pretty safe to camp out and there are rarely anyone else by them. A mage with a 4th level pet could take one on if they were careful, or a two person group, and they provide good mid-range exp. Be wary of wandering skeletons and kobolds. Talrigar Eklorin is an extreamly high level Necromancer who has a tendency to patrol to the northern Kobold camp.

Traveling To And From

At the northern edge of the zone lies the entrance to the city of Erudin, home of the followers of Erud. Passing underneath the "patio" will take you to the city beyond. Within lies the docks from which you can reach the ferry to Erud's Crossing and Qeynos.

Swimming west across the water, straight out from the dock on the west coast, will take you to the shores of Kerra Island, which is the home of the Kerrans. The channel is only guarded by the occasional piranha.

To the south lies another "patio" that leads to the Heretic city of Paineel...